
24 juil. 2018

Matrix with the dual professional training

Jordi, Anna and Arnau are the three students of the Eduard Soler Foundation (FES) who are currently doing dual vocational training in Matrix. FES and Matrix agreement give to the students ­­to improve the experience in a real environment and improve their employability once they have finished their studies.

The three young workers are students of the Vocational Training in Industrial Design and Production Programming, a three years double degree that teechs the manufacturing by machining: designing mechanical manufacturing products, metallurgical processings, moulds or stamping.

The dual training allows the company to recover the figure of the qualified apprentice, an usual role since Matrix's foundation in 1974, and allows teaching qualified profesionals in our company culture. A tutor is assigned from Matrix side to ensure the learning process of the students is working. This process has been agreed by Eduard Soler Foundation and guarantee 970 hours of training in Matrix.

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